Times of Ruin

A game done for the lecture Game Design at the Alpen-Adria University in Klagenfurt.

The earth is dying.

You are part of a small expedition group and you are sent to a remote island in the northern hemisphere to study some ruins.

Explore the island and ruins to find out what is really happening with the earth and how to stop it from dying.

How to Play

Click on the ground to move and interact with NPC, enemies and objects.
Use the buttons on the bottom right to open the different windows to organize your inventory, equipment and spells and look at your character stats.
If the loot doesn't show up, close the loot window and loot again. This might happen at the start of the game.
Click on spells to learn them. They then appear in your spellbook from where you can drag them to the action bar.
You can also drag health and mana potions to your action bar from where you can use them by clicking on them or using the assigned number on your keyboard.
Click on equipment or drag it into your equipment window to equip it.

Additional Information

The game is still in development.

Problems with the current version:

  • Quest system not implemented yet
  • Dungeon level 2, 3 and 4 don't have enemies
  • Enemies can bug out if the player tries to run away from them
  • Not all items (equipment, loot, spells) implemented yet


Sebastian Uitz (https://firetotemgames.com/)

  • Game Producer
  • Programmer
  • Artist

Thomas Stader

  • Game and Level Designer
  • Story Writer
  • Artist

Michael Steinkellner

  • Music Composer
  • Sound Engineer

Veit Isopp

  • Programmer
  • UI Developer

Tobias Helbig

  • Artist

Anja Gwendolyn Schlimp

  • Artist


  • v0.1.1 - 2020-06-16 - Minor bug fixes
  • v0.1 - 2020-06-16 - Overworld and Dungeon map without quests


TimesOfRuin_Win.zip 38 MB

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