A downloadable game for Android

Easy to learn, hard to master.
Think fast and act cleverly.

This hybid board game developed during the POLLIWOG game jam in Klagenfurt on the 05.10.2019 over the course of 8 hours. The theme of the game jam was "Sustainability".

Hybrid Board Game

A hybrid board game is a board game which has digital component attached to it. In our case, the digital component is an Android app. If you don't have an Android smartphone or don't want to install something from an unknown source (maybe it's a virus), you can also play the game with any other chess timer app or a real physical chess timer. Or play it without one if you don't like the time pressure.


The sustainability theme is not directly attached to the mechanics of this game, but the game is designed in such a way that it will not be commercially produced. All the needed files are available for download on this website.

This saves all the costs for production, shipping, storage and co. Additionally, also no additional materials are used for creating a box nor are any plastics used for the game pieces.

Downloadable Files

  • Game board PDF file
  • Game rules PDF file
  • APK file of the Android app


Alessandro Mattivi

  • Game Idea
  • Game Design + Development

Sebastian Uitz

  • Programming
  • Game Design + Development


HexaChess_Board.jpeg 461 kB
HexaChessAndroid_v0.2.apk 24 MB
HexaChess_Rules.pdf 1.5 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download the game board PDF file. Print it and cut out all the pieces.
  2. Download the game rules PDF file and read it. Everything should be explained in it. If not, please feel free to leave a comment on this page. We will answer you as fast as possible.
  3. Download the Android app APK file and install it on your phone or use any other physical or digital chess timer. Or play without one.
  4. Have fun playing ;-)


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